Welcome Back Mary Ann Order Form
Important: Please fill in
this form and click Submit. You will then be taken to a confirmation page,
which you must print out, and mail with your cheque for $40.00 AUD to:
Olds Engineering
P.O. Box 3030, Pallas St. Post Office
Maryborough Q, 4650
You may also
pay by direct deposit:
ANZ bank, Maryborough Branch
BSB: 014-655 Account: 387370208
"Welcome Back Mary Ann" is a poignant and inspirational
Story of a
little engine that steamed into the untamed wilderness of Cooloola. The
quaint locomotive, the first built in Queensland, disappeared and was
almost forgotten for more than 100 years until one man was fired with a
passion to see her recreated.
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Wm. Olds & Sons Pty. Ltd. trading as OLDS ENGINEERING
78-80 North Street, Maryborough Q, 4650 Australia
P.O. Box 3030, Pallas St. Post Office, Maryborough Q, 4650
Phone: 07 4121 3649 Fax: 07 4123 3590 International Phone +61 7 4121 3649 Fax: +61 7 4123 3590
Innovative Engineering Excellence ~ serving over 100 years